SPR Instruments
The FLeXPR is a portable device that is capable of traditional SPR data collection as well as additional measurements such as fluorescence and scattering (LSPR). Polarization-dependent measurement of the reflection allows elimination of light source non-uniformity and drift. Presence of two wavelengths offer greater flexibility. The FLeXPR is a compact, cost-effective, self-referenced, temperature-controlled SPR system for interaction discovery and analysis.
Nanoeye Autosampler could seamlessly be integrated with SPR and allows fully automated operation. Autosampler module accomplishes precise sample delivery with near-zero dispersion.
FLeXPR-EC is developed with a state-of-art nanotechnology biosensor platform. It provides seamless integration with electrochemical analysis. In this technology, gold surface of the sensorchip serves as surface plasmon excitation as well as an electrode for EC detection. Changes in the physical properties of this surface or bound molecules are measured by SPR, combined with voltametric method.
FLeXPR-MC device provides 2 or 4 channel flow system and is designed for high throughput analysis of molecular interactions. It captures high quality binding data for low immobilization and small molecule detections.The FLeXPR-MC enables self-referenced, temperature controlled SPR system for interaction discovery and analysis.
Affin-HT is a high throughput system design for label-free affinity analysis. The system relies on novel thin film interferometric sensing. The sensors are dipped into wells of a 96 Channel Plate and the design eliminates the difficulties brought by complex microfluidics. The sensor design has comparable sensitivity to surface plasmon resonance and is immune to refractive index changes of the buffer. The sensors do not incorporate fibers and can be mass produced at low cost, thereby reducing long-term running costs, while maintaining scalaibility and performance. The system can find applications in drug discovery and general molecular binding studies.